jeudi 7 octobre 2010


Une petite chronique bien sympatoche du premier numéro sur le site de MAXIMUM ROCK N ROLL ça fait toujours zizir :
It’s not everyday that you come across a well-produced video zine, let alone a French “video psychedelic punk rock fanzine,” but that’s exactly what we have here, and for the most part, it’s is a fun and worthwhile watch. Les Oreilles Qui Saignent (“Bleeding Ears” in English) features footage from touring bands like GOVERNMENT WARNING, SURRENDER, SHITTY LIMITS, and the WANKYS, as well as homegrown French bands like DAILY O.D., who play catchy, female-fronted punk, rough and crusty hardcore from CHAOS ZZZ, noise-mongers WARNING/WARNING, and dis-core from STATE POISON (who, frustratingly, are filmed playing in front a DESTINO FINAL banner, but there’s no DF footage!) All of this is regularly interspersed with videos of bands from days gone by like the (French) DOGS, FLIPPER, and POISON GIRLS, plus riots, death and destruction, French news reports, commercials, Japanese horror films, and other punk rock stuff. The in-between footage gets a bit tedious at times, and this whole thing would be infinitely more enjoyable if it slimmed down to less than an hour in length. Nonetheless, there was clearly a lot of love and hard work put into this, and it’s a cool document of these bands and this scene, so if any of the above highlights sound appealing (and there’s a lot to choose from), do yourself a favor and check it out. You can download or watch the whole thing here, or order a DVD by contacting bskubich {at} no-log(.)org.

Bref à bientôt pour la suite !!!

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